I picked to do this blog on schizophrenia because it is the most interesting disorder to me. I don't understand how this happens to people, it just seems like a very peculiar disorder. I feel like i would be extremely scared if that ever happened to me and i don't know how i would handle it if someone in my family or one of my friends got this disorder.
The news report talked about how difficult it is to live with someone that has schizophrenia. How there are levels of how "difficult" the disorder is or how "normal" the people are. One of the mans child has schizophrenia and he said sometimes he has very good days and other times it is very difficult to live with. They also talked about how difficult it is to find funding for more research. The article was very new also so it is a recent problem. It is also hard to find a good doctor to help you if you have schizophrenia because many of them wait until it is at its worst and don't do anything if the person with the disorder isn't being a hazard to themselves or someone else. This seems very wrong but i guess when i think about it, it is a little typical because if the person didn't have a lot of money i could see how some doctors would be hesitant or less willing to help them deal with the disorder. I'm still just very curious on how someone gets this disorder, because genes and the environment, which they say may be the cause, seems like a weird cause to me.
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