Friday, April 22, 2011

writing about the glog.

What is really scary with schizophrenia is that if someone in your family has it the chances increase by a lot. The normal statistics are about 1 in 100 people get this disorder, but if you brother, mother, or dad has it etc. the chances of you getting it increases to 1 in 10. Also schizophrenia doesn't usually become evident or you don't get it until you are about 20. So you could be a completely normal child and teen and then it could develop. There are also two types of schizophrenia. One that is called positive and another called negative. Positive is by far the worst one to have. Not only does it have severe symptoms but it is hard to cure or to lessen symptoms. Some of the symptoms that accompany positive schizophrenia are delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech and behavior. Symptoms that are with negative schizophrenia are lack of emotion, speech, and motivation. Lastly, i learned that some causes of schizophrenia would be brain abnormalities, dopamine overactivity, and a virus during mid pregnancy.

For schizophrenia the main treatment option would be antipsychotics not psychotherapy. However, group therapies can help a person with schizophrenia in many ways. Group therapy focuses on the problems and relationships of their clients. It is a social experience where people with similar problems meet to talk about their issues and receive feedback as they try out new ways of behaving. In one group therapy session they might talk about a problem they each have run into in the past week they would give each other advice and the person running the session will contribute as well. Group therapy can help decrease the social isolation of some of the people that attend. Also more importantly it is a relief to find that you are not alone if you have this disorder, many patients learn that others, despite their apparent composure, share the problem of schizophrenia.

Like i mentioned before the main treatment option for people with schizophrenia are antipsychotics. Antipsychotic drugs dampened responsiveness to irrelevant stimuli, and for people with schizophrenia they lessen the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, such as auditory hallucinations and paranoia. The molecules of antipsychotics are like those of the neurotransmitter dopamine, they occupy its receptor sites and block its activity. People with negative symptoms of schizophrenia respond less well to antispychotic drugs. However, there are newer atypical anitpsychotics, that target dopamine and serotonin receptors. This then helps alleviate their symptoms sometimes awakenings these individuals that are withdrawn. Some side effects of antipsychotics are sluggishness, tremors, and twitches, which may be because of too little dopamine in the body. Also if someone is on them for too long they may produce tardive dyskinesia which is involuntary movements of the facial muscles, tongue, and limbs. Even with those side effects antipsychotics helps people with schizophrenia immensely. In combination with therapies a person in a mental hospital may return to live near-normal lives.

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